Prayers & videos
To order please fill out the order form at the bottom with the product number and quantity.

Order number: A0047
Price: €1.45
Description: MU Prayer card (credit card size)

Order number: B0009
Price: €2.50
Description: United in Prayer and Worship

Order number: B0056
Price: €3.55
Description: Dear Lord - Conversations in Poetry and Prayer. Paperback. 28 pages.
A wonderfully popular Mothers' Union prayer book featuring over 150 prayers and reflections from members across the world. To inspire your personal quiet time and refresh branch devotions.

Order number: B0066
Price: €4.40
Description: Praying in Every Season. Paperback.
A wonderful Mothers' Union seasonal prayer book featuring 72 seasonal prayers that reflect the joys and challenges of significant times thorughout the year. Prayers include; Lady Day, Mothering Sunday, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Fathers' Day,Harvest, Creation, All Hallows, Saints and Souls, Advent, Christmas and Ephiphany..

Order number: B0061
Price: €2.10
Description: Mothers' Union - Faith in Action. A6 pocket size paperback. 28 pages.
For Mothers' Union putting faith into action to serve God and his world has always been at the heart of our mission and outreach. These prayers for personal and public use help us to underpin all our work in prayer as we seek to share the love of Christ though practical acts of service.

Order number: B0062
Price: €2.10
Description: Mothers' Union - Vision and Mission. A6 pocket size paperback. 28 pages.
Mothers' Union mission to show our Christian faith by the transformation of communities worldwide is inspired by our vision of a world where Gods' love is shown through flourishing relationships. These prayers for personal and public use reflect gratitude for the past alongside faith for the present and future.

Order number: B0063
Price: €2.10
Description: Mothers' Union - United in Fellowship. A6 pocket size paperback. 28 pages.
Mothers' Union across the world is united together in prayer. The place of prayer is central, not separte, to our work. These prayers for personal and public use focus on our family united and help us support each other as we sek to make a difference in the world.

Order number: A0080
Price: €0.95
Description: Mothers' Union Hospital Prayer on wallet size silver card

Order number: A0112
Price: €1.00
Description: Mary Sumner Prayer on wallet size blue card